Tag: Toysmith

Root Viewer – Update 2

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Root Viewer – Update 1

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Root Viewer

The kids received a root viewer by Toysmith for Christmas from their grand parents. Their grand parents have always had plants growing and, if room was available, a garden at every place they have lived around the country. They also made sure that their children enjoyed helping out in the garden as they grew up. Since we are trying to do more gardening, it is never too soon to get the children involved.

The root viewer is basically three big test tubes, some dirt and some seeds. I didn’t find any instructions in the box, so I took a guess at what to do. Part of the issue was making it so the dirt would fit in the tube, which required soaking them in water. I’m not sure if not having that little bit of instruction would cause issues in a classroom setting. The process of breaking down the dirt created a bit of a mess.

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