After taking a vacation, we came back to notice that the AC wasn’t cooling. We had issues with it heating the previous month. And, it wasn’t good news.
Tag: seed starting
Garden, Videos
Garden 2019 – Weekly Update #7 : And the rain came…
We spent the majority of the week away in warmer lands and came back to soggy grounds. While most of the garden has seem to enjoy the large amounts of rain, the weeds have enjoyed it more.
Garden, Videos
Garden 2019 – Weekly Update #6 : Rhubarb? Beans?
We had a little bit of rain this week and an overcast weekend. Due to other plants, I was only able to get one project done, but the garden keeps going, even if I’m not there.
Garden, Videos
Garden 2019 – Week Update 5 : Bloom and Bust
After having issues last week, I checked back in on my transplanted seeds and was not happy. However, I did make progress elsewhere in the yard, especially in the side micro-garden.
Garden, Videos
Garden 2019 – Weekly Update #4 : Spring time cleaning and surprise!
The first day of spring is here! Spent some time weeding the flower garden, but then ended up sick for the rest of the day. The yellowing leaves in the seed trays was probably due to too much water, so time to remedy that situation. Also, spring does provide for some surprises in the garden.
Garden, Videos
Garden 2019 – Weekly Update #3 : Raspberry Overload
The temperatures last week have been up and down. But, at least most of the days have been sunny. This weekend the sun is out, but the wind is blowing cold, but it still was a good day to do a little something with the raspberry plant volunteers.
Garden, Videos
Gardening 2019 – Weekly Update #1

Spring is coming soon, so it is time to start checking in on the garden progress this week.
Garden, Videos
Seed Starting 2019 – First Sprouts
It has been about 5 days since I put some seeds in and now some are starting to break through.
Garden, Videos
Seed Starting 2019 – My Growing Area Setup
A quick showing of my seed growing setup.
I have Yescom 225 LEDs Grow Light in the ultrathin panel shape. They are 3 colored, but I’m not sure if the same pattern is still sold.
Garden, Videos
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