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Author: Dean
Garden, Videos
Wickpots with Lavendar
I initially planned to add lavender seeds to the seed tray I have, but decided I needed to plant larger bunches of lavender. So, I made some wickpots, which would hold more seeds and allow me to plant more. Wickpots are pots that use a wick to keep the soil wet; a water and forget method. Always stay alert about the cialis 20 mg troubling adverse reactions, and do try to attempt ways other than the original pharmaceutical company. But if the Chiefs draft a quarterback, you can’t let Haley dangle with just one tadalafil from canada year left. One can go for Related storefront levitra price to satisfy partner or to show off his manhood. Heart failure is even cialis canada no prescription known as congestive heart failure. I saw a couple of video examples and it wasn’t very hard to make.
Garden, Reviews, Videos
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Garden, Reviews
Patio Garden Growbag
My parents gave me 5 Patio garden growbags last year as a gift. They got them on sale, most likely from Wally World. The bags are supposed to be reusable containers for patio gardens. In fact, it seems that they have changed the name of the product to Gardman 7500 Reusable Grow Bag. The best reason to have a reusable bag is to limit space in storage. These do fold up flat and small, if you take the dirt out that you put in for the season. Leaving them out all year is probably the downfall of the one bag I did use last season. The plastic is now brittle and if I tried to move it with the dirt in it, it will probably rip apart. Since I have 4 more bags and do plan on continuing to do patio gardening, I will try to make better use of the remaining bags.
The bags are 39″ Long x 16″ Wide x 9″ High and hold 72 quarts of soil. That was a lot of soil, that had to be put in the bag in between 2 straps that held the bag walls together. Not a big deal, but it probably isn’t very useful if you are filling the bags with a full-sized shovel to have these straps in the way. There are metal grommets for drain holes and I never noticed any over flooding of the bag. The woven green plastic is sturdy enough when holding the dirt, but the walls are not straight up and down and tend to bow outwards.
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Garden, Videos
Vertical Wall Garden – part 3
This is Part 3 of creating the wall. I drilled some test holes in the lids to determine which would be the best method of making the holes.
- Straight down
- Lid flat (upside down) angle drilled at far side
- Lid up angle drilled at far side
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All three methods kept the water in the center of the bottle, but the top up angle holes seemed to funnel the water closer to the center. Also, it was easier to drill the holes with the cap up.
I also did a quick check to see how many rows and columns my wall should have. I attached six bottles together and then try to eye measure each column. I have already created 30 bottles, which would give me five columns with six rows. Five columns seems to be a good number, but I might be able to a six column or maybe even a seventh. I am still collecting bottles, just in case I need to add a column or even a row.
The rocks I used for the test were some basic stones. I didn’t clean them and some of the dirt clogged the holes after a few tests. Something to keep in mind when choosing a medium and adding any nutrients to the water.
Garden, Videos
Seeds Catalogs
It is that time of year when the seeds and plant companies send out their catalogs. There are a few reason why to get more than one catalog.
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Garden, Videos
Pumpkin Volunteers
We ended up with a few free pumpkins during the fall. We’ve decided to try and see if we can get them to create some new plants. Usually when a plant manages to start growing outside of where it was planted, we call it a volunteer. The seed volunteered to start a new plant. Lovegra works after 40 to buy generic levitra 45 minutes of consumption. Also, carrying too much weight around your waistline can increase your risk for hypertension. levitra canada price Continue reading all of the vital information about buy tadalafil mastercard these drugs via and lead a healthy treatment. Relationship sildenafil tablets Crisis: Stressed people are unable to separate the illness from the person they love, so there is definite link between these two conditions. While these pumpkins are not completely volunteering, we are setting them up as if they were. In theory, if a pumpkin was left in the field, the meat of the pumpkin would rot exposing the seeds to the ground and the nutrition from the rest of the pumpkin. So, what we are going to do, is smash the pumpkins in one spot and hope that the seeds decided to germinate.
Garden, Videos
Vertical Wall Garden – part 2
I am continuing work on creating my vertical wall garden. After choosing a bottle and getting them cleaned, then next step is to add the wholes for water distribution and for the plants.
I decided that the hole on the bottom of the bottle would be about 1 3/4″, which would be big enough to get the mouth of the other bottle inside the hole, but the neck ring would not slip back out. I also figured out that the maximum sized hole for the side of the bottle would 4″. While it might be possible to use knives or scissors to create the holes, it is easier to use a hole saw. Milwaukee tool company makes a product they call the Hole Dozer, which comes in a variety of sizes. Milwaukee also has a product called the Twist-Release™, which allows the user to easily switch between Hole Dozer drills with the same bit (arbor). But, before you can use the hole saw, you need a starter/pilot hole in the plastic bottle. I am guessing that with harder tools, you can use the hole saw directly on the surface, but with the plastic bottle, you end up with a bunch of slippage and a big mess. Also, using a large drill bit to create the pilot hole in the hard plastic on the bottom bottle required an even smaller hole. So, the process required drilling of 5 holes to be completed. If you do it assembly-line style, it goes pretty quickly and only requires bit changes after each set is done.
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Garden, Videos
Vertical Wall Garden – part 1
One of my big plans for gardening this year is to create a vertical wall garden. Currently my yard is limited in places that I can plant. I want to keep enough area for the kids to run around and I also have to deal with a lot of shade made by the trees around my yard. One solution to limited space is to create a vertical garden.
There are many commercial options for vertical gardens and none of them are exactly cheap. I’ve seen different videos on how to create tower gardens using plastic bottles. DIYers have used drinking bottles for gardens in a window to 2 liter soda bottles. Since I buy V8 Splash for a breakfast and snack drink, I figured they would make a good bottle for the project. The bottles use a much thicker plastic and have a larger opening. The larger opening will allow more water to drain down to each level, since I can drill more holes in the cap. Some of the videos used straight dirt in the bottles, but I will be using growing medium to create a hydroponics like system. I plan getting a solar powered water pump to circulate the water through the bottles.
As I got through each of steps for creating vertical wall garden, I’ll post a new video. Here is the first video.
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- Main labels removed
- My little helpers helping peel labels
- Dunking bottles to remove labels
- The mess
- Dirty label water
- One bottle at a time
- Mold growth when bottle was clean enough
- Choices
Winter begins in 2017
The Snowmageddon of 2017 for the South East was predicted to do from 0 to 12 inches in parts of North Carolina. Yup, not much confidence and the snow storm delivered. When my area was expecting snow, we got rain and then freezing rain and then sleet all night long. Some viagra 100 mg of the advantages of getting a Texas online adult drivers education, you will be issued a license. The effect of the drug stays with you tadalafil soft for longer period of time. Only pure plant ingredients are used in cialis generika 5mg these herbal pills. True or not, it could also be said (though I don’t recommend it in mixed company) that ejaculate volume is the viagra 100mg window to general health. In the morning it finally decided to switch to snow, but not after creating close to a 1/2 inch of ice on everything. The temperatures are supposed to drop even more tonight and the roads aren’t expected to be cleared until Tuesday. However, sleet or snow, it does provide enough for some sledding fun for the kids.