Getting started on the microgardens

There is an old saying that says the first week of January will reflect the year to come. Each days weather would be the average weather for the corresponding month. While a 70 degree day in winter isn’t odd or unwanted in North Cackalacky, I sure don’t want that for all of the first month of 2019.
Last year we had a false spring. Because of that, my raspberry plants started adding green leaves and I had a green wall before the first day of spring. While it seemed like a good sign, I hadn’t cut back the plants and the resulting harvest was disappointing.
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You are supposed to cut the plants back after the first frost. I didn’t do that. We did have a very good snow, so I think that will help with the growth next year. Because of the unusual warmth and the day off from work, today was a good day to get the bushes trimmed and try to fight the vine plant that is on the fence behind the bushes.

While I was cutting the raspberry bushes, I could see the green insides of the plants that hadn’t produced the year before. From the outside, there was no real way of knowing which would be green or brown. This is like how the year starts. For the most part, every new year starts the same. How you bring in the year may or may not affect the outcome of the year, you will only know once you are deep into the middle of the year.