Foodie Garden Tomato Takeover – Walkaround

My eldest sister and her husband gave us a Foodie Garden seed starting kit. The kit is the Tomato Takeover version, which includes three tomato varieties; Roma, Green Zebra and Black Krim, of which, I only had heard of Roma before. The kit came with ample directions for setting up the kit and information about when and how to transplant the plants. Compared to the root viewer, this was an abundance of information. The only real issue, is that the metal box itself is not exactly water proof. In fact, the instruction tell you to do the setup in a place that can handle a water spill.

The Hardiness Zone that we live in is 7b and the First Frost Date is October 15th and the Last Frost Date is April 15th. This gives the Foodie Garden six to eight weeks to do its thing before we transplant the tomatoes to the patio garden growbags.
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