Vertical Wall Garden – part 3

This is Part 3 of creating the wall. I drilled some test holes in the lids to determine which would be the best method of making the holes.

  • Straight down
  • Lid flat (upside down) angle drilled at far side
  • Lid up angle drilled at far side

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All three methods kept the water in the center of the bottle, but the top up angle holes seemed to funnel the water closer to the center. Also, it was easier to drill the holes with the cap up.

I also did a quick check to see how many rows and columns my wall should have. I attached six bottles together and then try to eye measure each column. I have already created 30 bottles, which would give me five columns with six rows. Five columns seems to be a good number, but I might be able to a six column or maybe even a seventh. I am still collecting bottles, just in case I need to add a column or even a row.

The rocks I used for the test were some basic stones. I didn’t clean themĀ and some of the dirt clogged the holes after a few tests. Something to keep in mind when choosing a medium and adding any nutrients to the water.

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